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Boasting a rich catalog, BR Fernsehen features more than 20 shows, with broadcasting dates ranging from 1976 to 2016. Länder - Menschen - Abenteuer and Polizeiinspektion 1 represent the pinnacle of BR Fernsehen’s programming, launching in 1976 and 1977. As of December 2024, our compilation of BR Fernsehen’s top-rated series boasts over 20 unique shows.
Länder - Menschen - Abenteuer is a documentary series by SWR TV, WDR TV and NDR TV. Since 1975 around 12-15 documentaries about foreign cultures are produced every year.
The lives of the residents of the fictitious village of Lansing in Upper Bavaria.
Café Meineid is a German courtroom comedy television series based on actual cases. The series aired 147 episodes from 1990 to 2003 and ended with the death of lead actor Erich Hallhuber.